Without the strength and the faith, you'll never take that first step!

I'm as free as I want to be!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


When I feel as though the burden I bare is getting to be too much I remember that there are two things I know for sure through my acceptance of God...He will never give me a load too heavy to carry nor will  He ever give me a road too long to travel. When I do start to wonder what I had ever done in my past that was so wrong that my physical disability is justified as punishment, a smile comes over my face and I just tell myself that I am one of the chosen ones. I was "hand-picked" by God to live my life this way. And, my friends, that is how I have opted to look at the whole picture...on my judgment day, I will stand proud and honored that I was given this opportunity to serve my Lord!! God Bless and be safe always my blessings!!

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